
Lough View IPS School Uniform
At Lough View we require all children to wear school uniform. The uniform is as follows:
- Green or purple Lough View school sweatshirt
- Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
- White Lough View school polo shirt
- Plain black school shoes
- White/grey socks or grey tights
- Green or purple book bag (optional)
Summer uniform
- Green and white or purple and white dress
- White/grey socks
- White or black sandals (no heels or open toes)
- Grey shorts
P.E. Uniform
- Green or purple Lough View school sweatshirt
- White Lough View school polo shirt
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts (Sports brands not permitted)
- Black trainers or plimsolls (Please no laces until your child can tie their own)
School jumpers and polo shirts are available from The Signature Schools online via signatureschools.com or at their shop on Montgomery Road.
All other items are “off the peg” and can be purchased from any provider that stocks school uniform.
Please note children should keep their P.E. uniform in school so that it is available on days when they have P.E. lessons. For sports based clubs, the children can bring appropriate sportswear and change at the end of the day. P.E bags can be purchased from Signature Schools.
Please remember to label all items of your children’s uniform.
Please do NOT embroider your child’s uniform in any way.
Thank you
S Spillane Principal
Lough View Integrated Primary School, 63 Church Road, Belfast BT6 9SA | Phone: 028 9040 1347