School council
Our School Council is made of up of Class Representatives from Years 4-7. Each year any children who wants to run for election have the opportunity to create a manifesto which they present to their classmates. On polling day, every child can vote for the candidate whom they think will be the representative for their class. Children in Years 1-3 can also vote on polling day on issues such as where would they would like to play or what kind of snack to have.
The School Council play an important role in the life of the school. Each class rep holds class council meetings and feeds back to the School Council. They liaise with the staff on matters such as fundraising, how school funds are allocated, staffing and issues affecting their peers.
The motto of the School Council is; 'Every child has a voice'.
Lough View Integrated Primary School, 63 Church Road, Belfast BT6 9SA | Phone: 028 9040 1347